Hi, I’m Vee, your Hungarian teacher!

  • My name is Vee, I’m so excited to meet you! Budapest born and raised, currently based in the UK. I love sharing knowledge with children and adults - I’ve had multiple careers but find teaching the most rewarding. Learn more about me here.

  • If you…

    ❤️ want to learn Hungarian

    ❤️ are passionate and committed

    ❤️ and we can communicate through English

    … then you are already my dream student and I can help you! 🙌

    Doesn’t matter if you’re an absolute beginner or if you want to get to a higher level, I can’t wait to work with you :)

    During our free, 10-minute consultation both you and I will see if we’re the right fit for each other, and we’ll go from there. 😊

  • My holistic teaching offers a solution to the issues so many learners face. I meet my students 1:1, in fully private online video calls, screen sharing interactive white boards. I use the most highly accredited Hungarian curriculum, Magyar-OK, but take inspiration from others, as well.

    I love mixing exercises for listening, speaking, reading and writing. As someone who spent years learning English as my second language, I understand how important variety and creativity is in language learning.

  • I deeply value the old tradition of 1:1 learning - there’s a reason why it works. Fully independent studies and subscriptions can’t replace it. However, self-learning between lessons is highly encouraged - I’ll hold your hand along the way!

  • The core beliefs I have in my teaching are: logical learning, live language acquisition, and questioning everything! I’ll never stop perfecting my methods, and I’m always hungry to find cooler, better ways of teaching!

I currently offer:

1:1 lessons

  • From beginner to advanced.

  • Adults welcome.

  • Via English.


  • Initial 10-min, free consultation.

  • Parental consultations.

  • Expat / travelling advice.

Conversation practice

  • Live language acquisition.

  • Pronunciation correction.

  • Grammar and jargon advice.

Common struggles Hungarian learners share

  • You can't talk to a real human being. Resources are rarely adequate for such a special language. Sometimes I think I’ve seen it all, then I bump into auto-generated language books that have the most embarrassing grammatical mistakes in them. Trying to find resources to practice your pronunciation, listening or writing? It’s tricky, because there’s almost nothing available for beginners.

  • I’ve watched my family members and friends suffer with this. Duolingo and other apps might be great for some languages - but when it comes to something as complex as Hungarian (the world’s 3rd hardest language!) these apps let people down.

  • Hungarian is not taught as a foreign language nearly as widely as other languages. This might leave some instructors or writers of language learning books stuck in old ways that simply don’t work. I’ve heard teachers say it’s unprofessional to give instructions or communicate with the learners in English - that stirs away some of the best people who were willing to give Hungarian a go.

  • Listen, I’ve heard the horror stories. Schools charging you upfront months in advance, not giving you even the smallest glimpse of what to expect. You should comfortably commit to a programme or a teacher once you feel like you’re on the same page.

  • Or only available in Hungarian time zone! If you’re lucky enough to live near a Hungarian community abroad, chances are they’ll only teach children (and only in person!).

Book your session today

Limited availability - book now to avoid a waiting list.

Since I run Teach Me Hungarian on my own, I have limited availability. If I’m fully booked for the time you had in mind, you may need to wait a little longer. You can book appointments up to 65 days in advance!

Before you book your first ever session

Book a free, 10-min consultation with me. It’s totally informal! I’ll see how I can best serve you and if we’re the right fit. If you enjoy the consultation and our expectations match, we’ll agree on the length and frequency of our lessons. It’s crucial to first explore your individual needs.


The prices are in British Pounds (GBP).

Time zones

The scheduling platform automatically converts my availability to your time zone. If still in doubt, ping me a message!


Can I work with you if I’m an absolute beginner?

Yes! In fact, my heart skips a little when I get to teach someone who’s brand new to the language. So many Hungarian tutors don’t accept newbies, or they don’t have an effective method to familiarise beginners with Hungarian. Other language courses start from scratch, so why shouldn’t Hungarian do the same?

What’s the recommended frequency of lessons?

The key to learning anything, not just languages, is consistency. For learners with a busier lifestyle, it is recommended to have at least one 50-minute lesson per week. If you have any further questions relating to your needs and plans, get in touch!

How long does it take to master Hungarian?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to developing yourself to a fluent or even intermediate level. Pace can depend on how much time you have for and outside of the lessons, life circumstances or your commitment! As guidance, to become a confident A1+ speaker, 120-160 hours of learning are recommended.

Can you give an overview of all your services?

Currently I offer three types of services: consultations, private lessons, and conversation practice. Consultations cover the free, 10-minute discovery call, parental consultations, and Hungary travel advice. Private lessons have a standard 50-minute version and an intense 80-minute version. Conversation practice covers a 40-minute session of authentic conversations with me, help with grammar and vocabulary.

I’m planning other, exiting products and services for the future - keep your eyes on the website!

What distinguishes you from other teachers?

I’ve lived and worked in English-speaking countries for 6 years and have an English degree - I am happy and comfortable with delivering my Hungarian materials through the medium of English. I always look for new, experimental methods to question old ways of teaching Hungarian.

Can I contact you for “out of hours” support or collaboration purposes?

Out of hours support involves customer service - please only expect that in my own timezone, GMT+0 (UK). I aim to respond within 48 hours. For sponsorships, collaborations, public speaking or similar questions, please get in touch!

Join our community

"I love your services, but are there limits to who or what you can help with?"

Yes! I want to be fully transparent. Anyone who promises their teaching or services are for everyone, might not know their target audience very well.

1) I am ready to teach you Hungarian through the medium of English, or if you wish, in Hungarian (for example, when you or your child come to refresh your knowledge, but already speak some Hungarian).

2) My teaching is also the most effective when you’re just as excited and passionate about Hungarian as I am - you have to know your reasons and goals!

3) My wonderful students also put a lot of work into their learning. I can’t actually “transfer” Hungarian to you - I can only show you ways to acquire it.

In short, I’m not for you if:

  • we can’t communicate through fluent English or higher intermediate Hungarian.

  • you’re not ready to put in the work.

  • right now you’re not as passionate about the Hungarian language or culture, or you don’t fully know your reasons to learn. Everyone goes through phases and you might just not be there yet!

Men and women standing in front of vintage food shops in 1964, Hungary.

Any questions? Contact me: