I’m so glad you’re here!

  • Hi, my name is Vee, short for Veronika. I’m so excited to meet you!

    I was born in Budapest, Hungary and lived there for 22 years before embarking on an international adventure. I did one year in an English and Hungarian teaching training program at the university of ELTE, but knew that conventional classroom teaching wasn’t for me - so I later graduated with an English degree.

    I've worked with children in London, England, then joined an American summer camp in Pennsylvania to work with disabled kids and adults. I've had a corporate career, but realised my true passion is teaching.

    Currently I reside in the United Kingdom - and have done so for 6 years. One of my many hats I was wearing was a Teaching Assistant in a Welsh high school. I simply love working with people and seeing the instant gratification in the form of their smiles.

  • The realisation that there was a serious demand for Hungarian teachers came to me in two waves. The first one was when a Hungarian friend also living in the UK asked if I would be able to teach his partner - she didn’t find any resources for beginners.

    The second wave was one November morning, getting ready for work, I was listening to a Hungarian audiobook. (The book was about ancient Hungarian myths and folklore that got lost through the centuries then recovered; I highly recommend it to anyone!) I was deeply invested in the story, and then it clicked.

    The idea stroke without warning. Listening to this audiobook reminded me how there are thousands upon thousands of people around the world who are connected to Hungarian culture in some ways. People who are passionate to connect with it or to safeguard it for generations to come. And what’s a culture without its language? I found my calling. I wanted to become a teacher of both Hungarian language and culture.

  • If you…

    ❤️ want to learn Hungarian

    ❤️ are passionate and committed

    ❤️ and we can communicate through English

    … then you are already my dream student and I can help you! 🙌

    Doesn’t matter if you’re an absolute beginner or if you want to get to a higher level, I can’t wait to work with you :)

    During our free, 10-minute consultation both you and I will see if we’re the right fit for each other, and we’ll go from there. 😊

Psst… Don’t forget to claim your free, 10-min consultation first, so we can get to know each other! :)